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Medigreen CBD Nanomist – Discomfort | Weed Deals CanadaMedigreen CBD Nanomist – Discomfort | Weed Deals Canada

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Medigreen CBD Nanomist – Discomfort | Weed Deals Canada



Many nutrients and actives are largely unusable by the body due to their large particle size and poor water solubility. At the nanoscale, substances may have the ability to act in new and powerful ways beyond their tradi­tional capacity.

Powered by unique nanotechnology for ultimate delivery, Heneplex™ a full spectrum, hemp essential oil complex containing natural occurring psycho­active phytocannabinoids and over 75 botanical terpenes. Using revolution­ary nanoscience Heneplex™ is an innovation in non-psychoactive phytocan­nabinoid delivery offering smaller, more bioavailable doses for optimal usage.

Proudly sold by Weed Deals Canada, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

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